Community Service
We are Community Driven
At Milestones, we believe in meaningful services, when it comes to executing a service project. There is no such word as “HALFWAY” services and every service project that we undertake is a complete commitment from our side. Not only do we commit ourselves completely, we believe in great detailing while making that delivery — from the beginning till the end — and ensure we carry a sense of pride and leave Smiles with people/community we engaged with.
We engage in service work that is community-driven. Our projects are defined and directed by the communities that we directly serve. We are committed to preserve and respect the environment, the lands and the cultures we visit. We only go where services are needed and where both people and place can benefit from our presence. With thought and consciousness, we engage and educate about service project.
For past 20 years, Milestones has undertaken service as a part of our programming because we believe that by participating in meaningful services is a powerful and evolving experience that encourages positivity and youth development.
Meaningful service provides an opportunity to learn new skills, build new relationships with others, encourages selflessness, and develop a sense of pride and part of this planet family.
Facilitating such meaningful service programmes, we hope that those who travel with us will develop a passion for service that will live with them for the rest of their lives.
Some Special Edition
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